Sorry this is a little later than promised (Friday) – I hadn’t quite finished it and was going to get it completed while I was on a train on Friday afternoon.
But there was no internet or plug sockets 🙁
If you remember, we had the latest social event a week last Saturday (check us out having the fun below – love how awesome everyone is looking and how far they’ve all come since they first started with us).
I was talking to Adam at one point – he’s the dude with short hair to my right on the picture (if anyone’s interested, then that’s my girlfriend Alex to my left).
And he told me a story that I loved about some of the changes he’s got the guys at work making.
Adam and his girlfriend Alex have recently moved to Whaley Bridge. This Alex is third from the left, head poking around another Alex’s arm – still looking relatively sober here. Twas a different story an hour or so later 😉
But they still head down to Macc for some RISE awesomeness.
And Alex’s brother Adam, dad Chris, his partner Sally and her friend Bev have joined them on their journey to awesomeness.
As I side note, I warned my Alex recently that I have too many Alexs in my life now and that the lowest performing one may have to be cut 😉
Back to Adam.
He started a new job at car show room in Whaley about 6 months or so ago.
As with a lot of workplaces, there was a culture of cakes, biscuits and cuppas in place.
You know – ‘Cake Monday’ where everyone brings in a cake and it’s very hard to say “No thanks”.
The 27 rounds of tea and coffee that are made each day.
So Adam took it on himself to ‘Lead’ his group.
See our article ‘Lead Your Group or Leave Your Group’.
He’s been instrumental in introducing ‘Chicken Wednesdays’ where everyone has to bring in a healthy chicken based dish that they share between them.
And ‘Rib Fridays’ – I’m sure you can figure that one out.
And he takes his boss and a couple of the other lads to the local gym before work on a Thursday.
Which was awesome to hear.
If we wait for others to change their ways, we’ll be waiting a very long time.
If we start to take the lead and drag others around us towards a healthier future, then they’ll usually follow happily.
After all, most people want to be healthy – they’re just trapped in a habit they are unsure how to get out of.
So, have a think – can you be the driver of change in your home, workplace, etc?
We’d love to hear if you help introduce something like ‘Chicken Wednesday’.
Tune in tomorrow to hear about the ‘Holy Grail of Weight Loss’ and how my first opponent in winning his battle with weight gain.
Much love,
Jon “Eats chicken on days ending in Y” Hall
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