One of the advantages of working as we do is we manage to avoid some of the challenges you dudes face on a daily basis.


We don’t have the plethora of cakes, biscuits, sweets, etc circulating round the office / staff room that many of you are downfall challenged by.


The closest I get is when I help in my sons’ school on a Thursday afternoon.


Between the two lessons I get to hang out in the staff room.


Where there is always cake, biscuits, sweets, etc.


And, often, an element of complaining about being overweight.


Or talk of new diets.


Whilst munching on said cake.


The other day I was in there with three of the TAs.


One was saying her other half had had to change his diet as he’d developed gallstones.


And that it made it an easier change for him.


“I’m sure I’d find changing what I eat easier if it caused me pain.”


The irony, of course, is that what she eats is causing her pain.


She’d spent the previous few minutes making it clear how unhappy she was with her weight (and everything that goes with that).


As she does every Thursday afternoon break.


And, presumably, other breaks.


And, I’d imagine, a lot of the other time.


They say that “Change happens when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change”.


When the pain of starting exercising, changing diet, etc starts to become less than the pain of how we are feeling at the moment.


The thing is though, we don’t always realise quite how much pain we are in.


Because it’s often that ‘gentle slide’ over years and decades we forget how we used to feel.


And how we can feel again.


And we justify it to ourselves as an inevitable part of aging.


We speak to people on a daily basis who are very unhappy.


With their bodies.


Their energy levels.


How they feel.


Their sex drive (or lack of).


In general how their life is going.


And it’s often only when they actually start to verbalise this that they actually realise.


That they are in pain.


That things aren’t “ok” as they’ve convinced themselves they are.


You might be in pain.


Without realising it.


Realising it is the first step.


Although it’s kinda depressing to actually realise how much pain you’re in.


It’s then empowering.


It means you’re more likely to take action.


And get out of that pain.


If you’re already with us, this may give you that kick to see that the pain of extra change is the lesser option.


If you’re not already with us, and you want to get out of pain – it’s our find out more meeting tomorrow:



Much love,


Jon ‘Pain in the neck’ Hall and Matt ‘Pain in the ass’ Nicholson

Jon Hall
Jon Hall

When not helping people to transform their lives and bodies, Jon can usually be found either playing with his kids or taxi-ing them around. If you'd like to find out more about what we do at RISE then enter your details in the box to the right or bottom of this page or at - this is the same way every single one of the hundreds who've described this as "one of the best decisions I've ever made" took their first step.