4 Weeks in….


As I told you about in you about in my last email. I was the FATTEST I have ever been 4 weeks ago.


This has happened but one thing that I did is realise why and change that.

That is the main message I want to get across in this email.


You see it was my fault that I got fat – not my thyroid, not because I had a hard day, not because my Dad died 3 years ago.


I just got fat because I wasn’t looking after the 4 things that can make you change – our L.E.A.N system. , Lifestyle, Exercise, Adherence and Nutrition.



So yeah – my fault and no-one else’s.


That is step 1. if you can accept that it was your fault then you can start on your journey.


If you can’t do this then come and see me and I will convince you otherwise.



You need to take charge of your life and only you can do that. That is what I have done now.


So what have I done over the past 4 weeks?


Well, let’s break it down in to the big wins that I can do to make the most impact on my results.


Actually, I’ll come back to that shortly. Before we start I need to re-iterate that you CANNOT OUT TRAIN A BAD DIET.

I had a few of our Ninjas this week saying to me “Can’t I eat what I want if I’m doing enough exercise?” or “Don’t say that – it can’t be true”


Well it is! And here is why.


Over the past 6 months or so I have trained 4 days a week but because the rest of my L.E.A.N was not good then I have gone backwards.


I put on 50% of my overall body fat in 6 months but I was training 4 times a week?


So that goes to show that you cannot out train a bad diet. So don’t kid yourself.


You can train, then go and have a takeaway or a bottle of wine. It the whole 1 step forward 2 steps back.


So before you do anything make sure you get this correct.


My top tips for the healthy eating are…

  • Cut out all sugars
  • Cut out allllll processed foods – everything that has ever been through a process
  • Remove gluten – i.e: grains
  • Only eat fresh meat – no processed meats
  • Only have fresh water with ice
  • Have a nice organic yogurt after main evening meal to kick my sweet tooth.
  • Enjoy a bottle of wine on a Saturday and that’s the only alcohol. People need something to look forward to.

Ok so that’s the main thing.




I have changed going to the pub on a Friday to a fun activity with Emma – we went to watch Iron Man 3 last week.


I cooked a nice roast pork meal at home, we set off and I enjoyed a nice cold bottle of water whilst the film was on (saved £40 compared to the pub).




I have added 3 x 15 min HIIT sessions a week. That’s it! Not a lot really.



Because I can still have a drink on a Saturday, have something sweet at night (organic coconut yogurt – mmm) and enjoy things without getting fat I am sticking to it.


But the main thing is I have booked something for the end of this experiment. This is my main drive to prove to everyone what we do is by far the best advice and gets the best results.


So, what has happened in 4 weeks?


Well, I have dropped 4% body fat.

That is a lot by the way.


I have also taken photos of my experiment that I will show in a later email.


Stay tuned.


Much love


Matthew “Getting less fat” Nicholson

Jon Hall
Jon Hall

When not helping people to transform their lives and bodies, Jon can usually be found either playing with his kids or taxi-ing them around. If you'd like to find out more about what we do at RISE then enter your details in the box to the right or bottom of this page or at myrise.co.uk - this is the same way every single one of the hundreds who've described this as "one of the best decisions I've ever made" took their first step.