A ‘Red Team’ was originally an army term for a group specifically designed to identify weaknesses.
For example, a team might try and invade a defended location in order to identify possibly areas for improving in that defence.
Over the years it’s become a term used by companies for the similar processes of having people or groups who’s job it is to find those weaknesses.
For example an I.T. company might employ ‘white hat hackers’ whose job it is to try and hack into their systems to show where a genuine hacker might succeed and, therefore, what can be done to stop that.
Mystery shoppers perform a very similar role – helping companies realise where their standards aren’t being adhered to and resulting in the creation of new training, checks and other systems.
The problem with this approach can be how well people are willing to take on board what is, essentially, criticism.
And, although we would probably all benefit from a Red Team identifying areas to focus on in our lives, it may not end up being the most effective approach.
But, the good news is, you can Red Team yourself.
Imagine yourself as an external team sent in to analyse what you’re doing.
A troubleshooter sent in to analyse your own life.
Look at your routines.
What you do on waking, throughout the day, before bed, etc.
Look at how you approach food purchasing, preparation and consumption.
What you do regarding exercise.
Literally imagine that you are looking at someone else’s life.
With a view to helping them create smarter systems to run it better.
Not just ‘must try harder’ approaches.
But proper systems like a company would implement.
It might be a set process for getting food in, rather than just popping to the shops throughout the week, often when hungry (the worse time for food shopping).
It could be something like doing an online shop every Sunday night whilst watching a certain programme.
To then be ‘Click and collect’ed on your way home from work on Monday.
Or delivered at a convenient time.
For exercise it could be something like book your sessions for the following week during your break on Friday (when you’ll probably know most of the following week’s plans).
Making sure enough exercise kit is washed on Saturday morning.
And always packing that week’s kit in the car boot on Sunday night.
For water consumption it might be buying two large water bottles – one for work and one for home.
Filling them at particular times that make sense – on arrival, during a break, etc.
And making sure you drink a full one of each every day.
You get the idea.
Go ‘into’ your own life like a Red Team.
Analyse it.
Look for areas of improvement.
Not just where you could try harder.
But where you can create proper systems that will lead to success 🙂
Much love,
Jon ‘Billy Blue Hat’ Hall and Matt ‘Roger Red-Hat’ Nicholson
P.S. Details are up for the late October find-out-more meeting for the November challenges at myrise.co.uk/briefing-meeting 🙂
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