Applications for the April risk free trial of the Group Transformation programme opens this Friday – 28th March
There was an interesting discussion in our Facebook group the other day.
It was stated by Sarah Jones, one of our ninjas at Buxton with the following post:
Four comments received yesterday which made me laugh. 1. Oh my god you’re tiny – errr no I’m not. 2. You’re wasting away – errr no I’m not. 3. Are they brainwashing you up at that place – errr no. 4. I’ve been looking at you and I think you should stop going now because you’ve gone far enough. 1 and 2 are from people that I’ve not seen for ages and I appreciate that I have somewhat transformed in the last year. Comment 3 worries me slightly because god knows what people think about RISE. Comment 4 makes me seethe – what the f— has it got to do with anyone else. I’m not giving anything up – it’s a way of life now and that’s my choice. I bet we all receive similar comments. Some are lovely but some are from people that are ignorant of the facts and they should keep their opinions to themselves. Rant over. Have a great day Ninja’s x
Several of our ninjas came on with descriptions of similar experiences they’d encountered.
In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever known a client that hasn’t encountered some degree of this when changing their lives.
There’s a couple of things happening here.
The first goes back to what is considered ‘normal’.
Our ninjas invariably end up living their lives in way that isn’t ‘normal’.
Remember ‘normal’ is overweight, unhappy and unhealthy.
The ‘normal’ approach of diets and annual exercise binges just doesn’t work for the vast majority of people.
So, by doing something that actually works long term, we’re often seen as the ‘odd’ ones.
Anything other than cereal, toast or bacon / eggs for breakfast is seen as odd by most.
Taking food with you in Tupperware gets strange looks too.
So, remember, if ‘normal’ hasn’t got you where you want to be before, it probably won’t next time.
The second thing here is the whole concept of ‘Failure is best endured shared’.
Without realising it, people will try and sabotage others who are succeeding.
Because it makes them feel better about their own failure.
If you fail to lose weight it justifies that person’s excuses of “We’re too busy in this job”, “It costs too much to get in shape”, “It’s too hard to eat healthy here”, etc.
If you succeed it blows those excuses out of the water.
It applies in other areas of life too.
If you’re successfully helping over 250 people transform their lives, then it invalidates others’ excuses of “It’s the economy”, “No one round here can afford it”, “Everyone round here who can afford it already has a PT / Coach” and so on.
So, if you experience this at any point, then all we can say is to remember that it’s a sign of your success.
You’re doing well.
Dogs don’t bark at parked cars 😉
Tomorrow, I’m going to cover the concern that some people have before they start with us about ‘over doing’ it on the exercise.
And why we DON’T recommend training to exhaustion, like some people like to tell people that we do.
And what happened to me the two times I did overdo it – it wasn’t good.
Much love,
Jon ‘Some people want to be the tallest building in town by tearing down the other buildings’ Hall and Matt ‘Crows don’t fly with Eagles’ Nicholson
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