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If you follow other FitPros to us (not advisable in most cases)………..
Then I’m sure you’ll have seen talk of ‘Beast Mode’.
Where you kinda ‘Hulk Up’ and smash your workout, day, etc.
Probably lots of talk of ‘smashing’ too.
And ‘Crushing’.
Maybe even ‘eating the face off’ things.
Sounds very nice, in theory.
But off putting to most.
The thing is though, we don’t need these things.
Sure, feel free to use them if you like.
But that’s not where the majority of our results lie.
They lie in the small, seeming inconsequential decisions.
Made day after day.
While no one is watching.
The unsexy, frankly a bit boring stuff.
That’s not post worthy.
That we don’t stick on social media.
The little things that all add up (like clicking this link to take the next step –> myrise.co.uk/briefing-meeting).
The better food choices.
The thinking ahead to the coming week and having a bit of a plan.
The workouts when we don’t feel like it.
The going to bed a little earlier.
The few minutes spent relaxing or even meditating.
Engage beast mode from time to time if you wish.
But don’t feel bad if that’s not you.
Just make those little, un sexy decisions.
More often than not.
And they’ll all add up over time.
Much love,
Jon ‘BEaST’ Hall and Matt ‘BrEAST’ Nicholson
RISE Macclesfield – myrise.co.uk
Serious transformations. Fun times!
Enter your details at myrise.co.uk for more information about what we do.
Or check out our monthly find-out-more meeting if you want to learn more about our free ’20lbs weight loss in 8 weeks’ and ‘Beach Body’ challenges –> myrise.co.uk/briefing-meeting