I mentioned the other week about how we’ve become used to things being so quick nowadays.

And how things that still take time can feel painfully slow by comparison.

The other day I was on hold on online chat for my Business Internet Banking.

I know these things can take a while so I started recording the audio for that week’s podcast versions of the blog.

Ironically I was recording the very blog about things being quicker nowadays when I was connected.

I was halfway through the recording (which are usually between 90 seconds and 3 minutes), so I thought I’d just finish before engaging with the guy on chat.

After all, he’d kept me waiting for over 20 minutes.

Have a guess how long it took between his first message and a second to check I was there and to, potentially, discontinue the chat.

Here’s the copy and paste, with time stamps:

Good Morning , Jon welcome to HSBC’s Business Live Chat Service. We are here to assist you with your query. Please note, we cannot accept your account details on this service for security reasons.

How are you today?
Neel 10:39

We have not heard from you for some time. Do you wish to continue to chat?
Neel 10:40

Yup – one minute.

He’d grown tired of waiting for my response after 60 seconds.

I just typed a – in to stop him cutting me off and then replied to him properly when I’d finished recording the audio and we then sorted it from there.

Alexa has changed the reply to when I ask why she’s stopped playing music after about half an hour from “Sorry, Amazon music stopped playing because there was no activity on the device for several hours” to “….. some time”.

The average watch time of a YouTube video is only a few seconds.

Even less on TikTok.

We get a little bit frustrated if a home delivery is to be anything later than “tomorrow”.

We’re the most impatient we have ever been in history.

And this has it’s place.

Expectations of the quality of life are higher than ever.

We don’t feel the need to sit through something we’re not enjoying because there’s nothing else on.

Why wait 28 days like we used to if we don’t need to?

And so on.

But, as I mentioned before, some things can’t adapt to this change of pace.

Our bodies for one.

We might learn higher return on investment activities over time, sure.

But the time it takes the body to go from where it is now to where we’d like to be hasn’t changed in thousands of years.

Sure we can speed it up through our choices, but we’re never going to be looking at 28 times faster for the same thing.

And, sure, all the chopping and changing our approach after nowhere near long enough for us to have got there, might mean we get to the approach that we like quicker.

But, experience has probably shown us all, it’s more likely to mean we never do one long enough to get anywhere.

It takes time to make the changes we want to make to our body, energy levels, mood and so on.

Let’s work together so that it’s a little as time as is feasible with the changes we’re willing to make.

But let’s not just do the equivalent of ‘flicking to the next video after a few seconds’ or disconnecting when there’s no response after one minute, ok?

———- If you still need to “reconnect” (and this time for the final time), here’s where you can do that –> www.myrise.co.uk/apply ———

Much love,

Jon ‘My Alexa has a right attitude’ Hall


RISE in Macclesfield was established in 2012 and specialise in Group Personal Training weight loss programmes for those that don’t like the gym and find diets boring and restrictive!

Jon Hall
Jon Hall

When not helping people to transform their lives and bodies, Jon can usually be found either playing with his kids or taxi-ing them around. If you'd like to find out more about what we do at RISE then enter your details in the box to the right or bottom of this page or at myrise.co.uk - this is the same way every single one of the hundreds who've described this as "one of the best decisions I've ever made" took their first step.