Before we get cracking;


The new podcast is out – search for RISE on your podcast player / iTunes or check it out here.


And the next free online webinar on how to finally make and keep New Years resolutions is tomorrow night at 8pm. You can claim a place here.


And my new programme closes for applications today. If you’re a 30-45 year old businessman / entrepreneur with a young family who’s tired of amateur results with your health, fitness and physique, then this programme is custom built for you.


Check it out at or pass this on to anyone you know who matches this description.




We had our Christmas parties this weekend.


Friday in Buxton and Saturday in Macc.


Both were awesome.


Check out the photos here.


I mentioned in the speech both nights that RISE was coming up to 2 years old.


In fact, today it is 2 years since we registered RISE Ltd with Companies House after meeting for a coffee to discuss some ideas the day before.


It’s been a hell of a couple of years.


The longest hours we’ve ever worked.


Risking everything we’ve ever saved in something that had never been done before.


But it’s been so worthwhile.


Hearing all the stories at the parties of the lives we’ve helped transform was awesome.


Seeing so many smiling, happy people who we know are happier because of us is massively rewarding.


The last few months it’s all really coming together.


We have the briefing meetings tonight and tomorrow for the last 28 Day Trial we’ll be doing.


Because we’re nearly full.


We’re not like a gym that can join more and more people because most rarely go.


We can only support so many due to the systems we have in place.


And the atmosphere at both clubs is truly epic now.


It’s what we always wanted it to be.


So – we just wanted to say thanks.


Whatever our ‘relationship’ you’ll have played a part in it.


If you’re one of our ninjas, making huge transformations.


If you’re about to try us out.


If if you’re on the mailing list or facebook page and helping us spread the word.


We appreciate every single one of you.


Here’s to the next two years 🙂


It’s going to be amazing!



Much love,


Jon ‘My head hurt yesterday morning’ Hall and Matt ‘Mine too’ Nicholson


P.S. Got a great article for you tomorrow about heroin. And how I like it.


P.P.S. If you haven’t already – go and check out the podcast here and book on the webinar here.


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The crazy guy on the street corner

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Jon Hall
Jon Hall

When not helping people to transform their lives and bodies, Jon can usually be found either playing with his kids or taxi-ing them around. If you'd like to find out more about what we do at RISE then enter your details in the box to the right or bottom of this page or at - this is the same way every single one of the hundreds who've described this as "one of the best decisions I've ever made" took their first step.