Last week I went to see the new Superman film…It was Epic BTW.
I am a fan of super-hero films like Avengers and Batman etc. But this blew the lid off them all.
The fight scene were better, the story line was better and best of all Superman looked just like me…I wish.
The film in a nut shell was trying to find Superman’s purpose in life, why he was here, what was he meant to do with his powers?
I used to feel just like this.
When I used to work in the local gym a few years ago I knew I could do more….
I want to help more people, change more lives and have a bigger purpose. And when I die I want to be remembered for something good and not just some guy who did some training once.
I feel I am half way there now I have helped over 200 clients so far at RISE change there lives. Not just lose weight or get an amazing stomach….but CHANGE their lives.
I like this….
And when I see changes in people like you can see on the photos here it really makes all this hard work worth while.
I want you to think more about your life today. How will you be remembered?
We all need to help each other more rather than ‘bitch’.
If someone has a dream help then achieve it rather than steal it.
Give help to someone even though they have not asked
Try and improve everyday in everything you do.
If you are not happy with any part of your life, then change it.
Don’t dwell on the past but look to the future.
Much love
Matthew “Wannabe Superman” Nicholson