Over Christmas the family and I were away for a total of five days.
We left the house on Friday the 23rd and came back on Wednesday the 28th.
And whilst I really enjoyed those days (other than being ill for the first time in many years) it was mind-blowing how much work went into making it happen beforehand……….
And how much catching up needed to be done after.
Especially to say that we were mostly being cooked for by family.
Weeks before of getting ahead of myself at work, sourcing and wrapping presents and so on.
And a surprisingly long time afterwards catching up on work, cleaning, tidying, ironing, etc.
The ironing board didn’t get put away for about a week as every time I caught up and the next load of washing had arrived.
I’ll talk about that tomorrow (thrilling as a blog about ironing is).
As a child you just break up for the Christmas holidays, have a lovely couple of weeks and all the presents and food just seem to appear.
You don’t realise, until you’re an adult yourself, how much work your parents and others were clearly doing behind the scenes.
As we often don’t in many areas of life.
I’m sure we all have “that friend” who seems to be able to eat what they want and never gain any weight.
Yet we only see them eat somewhere between once and five times a week at most.
Completely missing the total consumed across the 168 hours.
And only having a partial idea, at best, of how much activity and exercise they do.
Because, ultimately, the research shows that when size and activity matched, there is minimal difference in our energy requirements.
Or things seem to come so much more easily to others.
And that others just have “better” lives than we do.
But, again, we have little to no visibility on everything that they are doing behind the scenes.
We just see that social media ready highlight reel version of people’s lives.
And are tempted to think ours are somewhat less than.
Only when we become fully aware of all the work that has to go in behind the scenes, can we put ourselves in a position of power.
To make one of two decisions.
1. To do what needs to be done to achieve the results we desire – put in all that work behind the scenes.
2. Become ok with not being willing to do that work and not getting those results (which is also fine).
Or, more likely, Option 3;
– Settle on a result with a corresponding amount of work that we are willing to do (and we can help with that and can guarantee, with an actual Money Back Guarantee, that you’ll be happy that you tried us out —> www.myrise.co.uk/apply) .
But recognising what needs to be done, especially behind the scenes, is that essential first step to doing those things.
And achieving those results.
Much love,
Jon ‘Bet you can’t wait for tomorrow’s blog about ironing’ Hall
RISE in Macclesfield was established in 2012 and specialise in Group Personal Training weight loss programmes for those that don’t like the gym and find diets boring and restrictive!