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—————- The next find out more meeting for our March programme is on Tuesday 23rd February which is in [cntdwn todate=”1 September 2020 23:59″ timeoff=”0″ showhours=”0″ showmins=”0″ pretext=””] Check myrise.co.uk/briefing-meeting to find out more, see what the meeting involves and, potentially, take that next step to transforming your life and body 🙂
Whilst we’re talking about lockdown related stuff (Monday’s blog) there’s one train of thought I’ve seen several times on t’internet that confuses me.
I’m not going to get into anything else to do with lockdown, COVID etc as I know it’s an emotive subject and there are different points of view.
And I get that.
I don’t get when people point out the ‘lowness’ of certain numbers………..
And use that to say that lockdown was never needed at all.
“Only X people have Y – see I told you lockdown wan’t necessary”.
I can’t be the only one that sees those numbers and think “Awesome – lockdown worked”.
Or, at the very least, helped.
If we’d have been interacting in the ways we used to for the last four months, those numbers would’ve been higher.
Maybe not as much as some predicted or currently believe, I’ll concede.
But the “better” numbers show that something helped, not that it wasn’t worth doing.
As they often do.
But it’s tempting to tell ourselves otherwise.
To lose weight whilst not having to cut out our favourite foods by tracking and making a weekly ‘budget’ work……………
Then taking that as proof that we don’t need to keep tracking.
By getting more energy, less aches and pains and better mood by regular exercising, drinking more water and getting a bit more sleep………….
Then stopping doing those things because we feel better (check myrise.co.uk/briefing-meeting if feeling better and having more energy every day is more what you’re looking for nowadays, rather than a six pack).
Often the reasons we give ourselves for stopping something are the exact reasons we could (if we chose to) give for carrying it on.
We might tweak and refine how it’s done as things change, of course.
But stopping it “because it’s not necessary” when there’s a very good argument for the exact opposite…………..
Is worth questioning.
Much love,
Jon ‘Had a few days in Wales with the family last week and, I’ll be honest, was bit freaked out by how close people kept getting to me’ Hall