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—————- The next find out more meeting for our March programme is on Tuesday 23rd February which is in [cntdwn todate=”27 October 2020 23:59″ timeoff=”0″ showhours=”0″ showmins=”0″ pretext=””] Check myrise.co.uk/briefing-meeting to find out more, see what the meeting involves and, potentially, take that next step to transforming your life and body 🙂
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I can’t keep up so I’ll stop
Whilst we’re doing blogs about TV / films, I may as well slot this one in here.
Remember The Office?
The fly on the wall style mockumentary that first shot Ricky Gervais to fame twenty years ago.
Some great characters in there, weren’t there?
Keith was a particular favourite of mine.
I randomly remembered a particular line of his the other day.
He’s taking to Tim about Dawn on the Christmas Special.
And explains the secret of his “success” with the ladies.
“I very tenderly explain to them that I will guarantee them at least one org@sm” (the @ is to stop spam filters blocking this BTW).
Before munching on a scotch egg.
Here’s the scene if you’re interested -> https://youtu.be/dTF_RJx8g2w
Whilst I’m sure Keith is lovely chap, I’m not sure how many takers he’d get.
Whilst the ‘outcome’ is achievable, many might feel the process wouldn’t be sufficiently enjoyable to warrant it.
And, if that’s the case, we’re unlikely to continue with said process long enough to get to the theoretically desired outcome.
It’s a similar approach to what most FitPros offer.
Results that, on the face of it, seem desirable.
The slim, toned body, etc.
But the process doesn’t look much fun.
Lengthy, tortuous workouts.
Living like a monk.
And people can’t see that they would persist with those processes.
Or, even if they did, that the outcome would be worth it.
It’s where the majority of the fitness industry goes wrong.
Selling the results that most people kinda want, but aren’t massively bothered by……..
To be gained by doing stuff we don’t like doing.
Like Keith and his org@sms, it’s a tough sale.
Most won’t be up for it.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Those who enjoy hard-core workouts and are happy with limited eating options are more than catered for.
We’d rather go for workouts that are plenty effective enough……..
But also fun.
A way of eating that gets results……….
But is enjoyable.
And results that most are, when it comes to it, more motivated by.
A body that might not grace the cover of a fitness magazine……..
But that they like the look and feel of much more.
More energy.
Less aches and pains.
Better sex drive and life.
Improved mood.
Reduced risk of many illnesses and diseases.
Increase chance of living longer.
And more.
If someone’s up for the equivalent of an org@sm from Keith, there’s plenty of options.
For those who like the idea of nice meal out with Tim, and seeing where it goes from there………
Here’s how to take that next step –> myrise.co.uk/briefing-meeting.
Much love,
Jon ‘That’s the real quiz’ Hall