Quick reminder – our big event at Macc Town Hall is on Thursday night at 8pm.
You should only miss this if you are 100% happy with your lifestyle, weight, body, healthy, etc.
Full money back guarantee and free to members (book in and we’ll refund after, so we know numbers).
Check it out at myrise.co.uk/event
As operators of a successfully fitness business we occasionally get other aspiring FitPros PMing us on Facebook and asking us for advice.
We had a message the other day asking us how we’d grown our reputation to be “experts” and “the go to guys in our area”.
We responded explaining that we’d spent years building a catalogue of hundreds of success stories.
Whilst improving our knowledge and skills.
Tens of thousands of pounds (and god knows how many hours) on education, training and mentoring.
That we’ve written over 350 blogs.
Done over 300 videos.
Seminars, presentations, podcasts, etc.
Interacted with people many thousands of times in person and over social media.
He responded with “Isn’t there an easier way than that?”.
Unfortunately there isn’t.
It’s the result of a hell of a lot of effort over the years.
People often look at what they need to do to change their body / life in the same way and get over faced.
It will require doing a lot of ‘stuff’.
Thousands of healthy meals.
Hundreds of workouts.
Thousands of days of making a conscious effort to de-stress and sleep well.
Seems a lot and puts people off even trying.
But a great way to look as it that it’s not as much more effort than not doing it as it seems.
Pop a few strategies in place so that healthy eating and living isn’t any harder than unhealthy eating and living.
You can even make it harder to eat / live unhealthily.
We covered this in some of the coaching day sessions this week.
If you find yourself eating rubbish from vending machines, canteens and garages then plan ahead so you have healthy food with you.
And don’t carry extra change.
It’ll be much harder to eat unhealthily then.
Keep snacking on rubbish at home?
Don’t have that rubbish there in the first place.
You’d have to go to the shops to get some.
Drinking too much of an evening?
Only have the amount of alcohol in you’d be happy to consume.
You’d have to go to the shops to get more too.
Same with sleeping better.
Drop the afternoon caffeine and ipad / phone in bed.
Both stimulants.
Less stuff to do, not more.
In rush when you get in so end up eating unhealthily?
Batch cook when you have time.
30 minutes at the weekend to save 4 lots of ten minutes in the week means you’re up on time, not down.
Don’t feel you have time to exercise?
Drop something else that takes that amount of time.
On TV programme less?
Less time on Facebook?
The point with all these strategies is that they aren’t MORE effort in already busy and stressfully lives.
And they don’t rely on willpower.
Will power is a finite resource.
Never gets you there.
Put strategies in place so the things you need to do just happen semi-automatically.
Much love,
Jon ‘Semi Automatic’ Hall and Matt ‘Pump Action’ Nicholson