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—————- The next find out more meeting for our March programme is on Tuesday 23rd February which is in [cntdwn todate=”1 September 2020 23:59″ timeoff=”0″ showhours=”0″ showmins=”0″ pretext=””] Check myrise.co.uk/briefing-meeting to find out more, see what the meeting involves and, potentially, take that next step to transforming your life and body 🙂
Have you ever heard that phrase?
“Gravity kicks in”
Usually said when something is up going up in the air………..
Then slows to a stop………
Before accelerating back to earth.
That seeming half second delay before something starts to drop.
It does kinda feel like that, doesn’t it?
But, of course, that’s not what’s happening.
Gravity is acting on us constantly.
24 hours a day.
Pulling us down (“or is it merely shame?” – reference anyone?).
All that happens is that gravity had decelerated us on our upwards movement down to zero and then accelerates us back towards the earth.
It’s that transition through zero we’re feeling.
That momentary feeling of weightlessness.
Gravity doesn’t really take time to kick in.
Like our body doesn’t take time to respond.
Another saying that feels like it makes sense.
But it doesn’t.
The body’s responses to various stimuli are relatively quick.
If we’re in a confirmed calorie deficit, the body doesn’t start to release energy from fat stores in a few weeks.
It’s doing it all day every day anyway.
In and out.
It just increase how much it ‘takes out’ when we’re in that deficit.
And puts less in.
But it all happens pretty quickly.
If we’re not losing weight, it’s not because something hasn’t kicked in yet.
It may be that, a bit like that decelerating through zero, something is ‘masking’ what’s happening.
Natural daily fluctuations in the amount of food and water in our system.
Increased water and salt retention for ladies around their time of the month.
But it’s not a ‘delay’ in the body.
And realising that is empowering.
It stops being an annoying deferment that could end up affecting our motivation.
And becomes a case of figuring out what we’re missing.
Why what we think is a deficit……………
Where the little inaccuracies are in our numbers.
Whether it be the targets we’re working to (inaccurate BMR, overly optimistic activity multiplier, counting exercise twice through both the activity multiplier and adding on workouts, etc)………………
Or the numbers ‘going in’ (snacks and drinks we forget to factor in, optimistic portion size estimates, inaccurate numbers used, etc)……………..
Or both.
Or that we’re just, kinda, guessing.
Not going off any actual numbers.
The same as any project at work, the more accurate the data, the better the outcome.
If it feels like we’re “waiting for the body to respond”…………….
We’d probably benefit from some more accurate data.
Much love,
Jon ‘It was ‘If you tolerate this, your children will be next’ by the Manic Street Preachers’ Hall
P.S. If you’re a member and want some help with that ‘data’, just ask. If you’re not yet, here’s the next step –> myrise.co.uk/briefing-meeting.