Us humans like comfort.
It’s nice, isn’t it?
To a point.
There’s a balance.
If we spend too much time right in the middle of our comfort zone……..
It can quickly become the least comfortable place to be.
Too much short-term comfort, creating longer term discomfort.
The comfort of more food than we need creating the discomfort of body fat levels that we’re not happy with.
The comfort of going home to watch TV rather than going for a workout creating the discomfort of reduced energy levels, fitness and health.
The comfort of regularly binge watching our favourite programs late at night creating the discomfort of chronic fatigue.
The comfort of drinking excessive alcohol creating the discomfort of reduced energy and health.
The comfort of taking the easy path at work or with our business creating the discomfort of reduced career progression, business success and income.
The middle of our comfort zone is nice to spend some time in.
But getting to the edge and beyond at times creates a balance that is much more comfortable overall (I know clicking this link and trying our my programme isn’t very ‘comfortable’, but future you will thank you for it —>
Much love,
Jon ‘Comfycush’ Hall
RISE in Macclesfield was established in 2012 and specialise in Group Personal Training weight loss programmes for those that don’t like the gym and find diets boring and restrictive!