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If you’re anything like me you eat less well on a Friday and Saturday night than in the rest of the week.
Meals out, puddings, booze, etc.
Many, many times we’ve heard over the years “I’m fine in the week. It’s the weekend that’s the problem”.
As we often say, if a way of looking at things isn’t working for you………
It’s maybe time to try a different way of looking at things.
Try it on for size.
See how it feels.
You may go back to what you thought before.
But it’s worth exploring.
So, I’d have you consider that the Friday and Saturday nights aren’t the problem.
It’s the rest of the weekend.
It was when, knowing full well you were going to go nuts on Saturday night, you ate a normal sized breakfast and lunch.
Whilst cutting portion sizes at other meals and then going nuts at some isn’t what you would hear from most FitPros (ruin your metabolism apparently)…………..
If you know that Saturday night is going to happen…………
What’s the point in adding even more calories to the day with a normal (or more) breakfast and lunch?
I’d have you consider the problem wasn’t the 10 pints you had on Friday night when you’d already “lost control”………….
It was when you did you online food shop earlier in the week when in full control of your choices and didn’t plan accordingly so that the rest of the meals of the week put you in a positive average.
Plan Meals for Weight Loss
You get the point. You can plan meals for weight loss.
I’m not advising going nuts per se.
But if “trying harder” to change the Friday and Saturday nights hasn’t worked for you so far……….
Is trying even harder the answer?
Look at the bits you find easier.
And make them ‘good’ enough that the average still takes you in the right direction 🙂
##### Check this page of RISE in Macclesfield‘s website if you like the sound of an approach that isn’t just about getting rid of the stuff you enjoy ######
Much love,
Jon ‘Whigfield’ Hall and Matt ‘Travolta’ Nicholson
P.S. My middle name in yesterday’s blog was the Italian Captain in Allo’ Allo’ whose catchphrase was “What-a mistake-a to make-a”. Matt’s middle names was Michelle (leader of the French Resistance)’s catchphrase as a clue 😉
P.P.S. Pretty easy middle names to day – just one bonus point 🙂
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