In over 20 years in the fitness industry I’ve had an awful lot of conversations with people enquiring about what I do.

From chats at social events through to pre-booked phone calls.

In all that time, when I’ve spoke to people about how my programme could help them achieve the goal that they’ve said is important to them (which is will – pop to when you’re ready)……..

I’ve had very few definite “No”s.

As in people who’ve heard what it’s involves and have said “That’s not for me”.

Some have said that it’s not the right time for them right then.

But the highest proportion of people who I speak to on the phone who don’t then end up getting started I’ve said some variation of “I need to think about it”.

Which I get.

We all need to think about everything that we do.

But, realistically, they have more than enough information at that point to make a decision either way.

And they’ve already given that more than enough thought.

Thinking about it, and not doing it, is often what’s got them to that position in the first place.

It’s time for action.

Because action, ultimately, is key.

Theory and ‘thinking’ can help shape and guide our action.

But it’s action that produces results.

And often less thinking is needed than we tell ourselves.

There’s a tipping point past which more thinking actually produces less action.

Paralysis by analysis.

In many areas in life, non-moreso than our health and fitness, we’ve done enough thinking.

We just need to take the logical next step, whatever that looks like.

Much love,

Jon ‘Thinking schminking’ Hall


RISE in Macclesfield was established in 2012 and specialise in Group Personal Training weight loss programmes for those that don’t like the gym and find diets boring and restrictive!

Jon Hall
Jon Hall

When not helping people to transform their lives and bodies, Jon can usually be found either playing with his kids or taxi-ing them around. If you'd like to find out more about what we do at RISE then enter your details in the box to the right or bottom of this page or at - this is the same way every single one of the hundreds who've described this as "one of the best decisions I've ever made" took their first step.