Our latest ’28 Day Body Transformation’ got off to a bang this weekend.
Over 30 people who are wanting to transform their bodies and lives have taken this first step to try out what we do.
One of the new 28 Dayers John posted in the Facebook group shortly after his session this morning with “First session this morning. Enjoyed it, I have a long way to go!” (check the group out here if you haven’t already).
John is the brother of one of our members at Macc, Oliver, and has been inspired by the huge changes he has undergone over the last several month
I responded to John’s comment with s great saying I’ve used a lot over the years – “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.
The hardest part of any journey is getting going.
Once you’ve set off, occasionally correcting course is relatively easy.
So whatever it is that you want to do, take that first step.
Get going.
Get momentum on your side and you’ll be amazed what you can achieve.
John has made the hardest step now and it’s going to get easier and easier for him week by week.
One day he’ll look back and struggle to remember what his old life was like.
If you live in Buxton or Macclesfield and haven’t taken that first step yet, we’re taking applications for the free briefing meetings (no pressure, friendly presentation and chat over a coffee) for the November ’28 Day Body Transformation’ – you can apply here if you’re finally serious about becoming what you always wanted to be 🙂
Much love
Jon “Took my first step in 2002” Hall
P.S. Whatever you want to achieve in life, it would be awesome to hear back from you what that first step is going to be – you can let us know by commenting below 🙂
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