From around 900AD until it was banned in 1905, the Chinese used a particularly lovely form of torture and / or execution known at Lingchi.
“Death by a thousand cuts”
Pretty self explanatory, really.
The ‘subject’ is tied to a large wooden frame, usually in a public place.
Then has bits of them cut or cut off till they either confess or die.
Charming, no?
Thankfully we don’t have this round here nowadays.
Not in Macc, at least.
But, we often subject ourselves to a version of it.
Very rarely in life do we have those ‘big moments’ that you see in films.
Those big choices that feel like they should be accompanied by a rousing soundtrack.
That we know we may look back on in years to come and regret if we make the wrong decision.
Instead, what we want in life is slowly removed by thousands of little decisions.
We all know that “one won’t hurt”.
In the same way one little cut won’t kill us.
But they all add up.
Slowly but surely……….
Over years and months………
The person we want to be……..
Is gradually eroded by the thousands of little decisions.
The ones you may not even have noticed or thought much of at the time.
Until, one day, we look back………
And ask ourselves……….
“How did I get here?”
We know the next two weeks is a pretty big one from a ‘social’ perspective.
We want you to have fun.
We’re not about living like monks.
We will all eat worse and drink more alcohol than at any other part of the year, ourselves included.
But there is a difference between a few pre planned ‘cuts’ we know we can recover from.
And sleep walking through dozens of them that will take a much bigger toll.
Remember ‘Lingchi’ this holiday season.
And pre-plan Step 1 of your recovery if you’re not already with us –>
Much love,
Jon ‘Linguini’ Hall and Matt ‘Linfield’ Nicholson
RISE Macclesfield –
Serious transformations. Fun times!
Enter your details at for more information about what we do.
Or check out our monthly find-out-more meeting if you want to learn more about our free ’20lbs weight loss in 8 weeks’ and ‘Beach Body’ challenges –>