I recently created an update to a video that I first did a decade ago.
It’s a version of the intro sequence from the TV show ‘Cheers’.
You can see it here at www.facebook.com/100063705347561/videos/353463743848027.
Whilst creating it, I replayed the original on YouTube several times to try and line up the relevant bits.
And one line kept jumping out at me.
The first one.
“Making your way in the world today sure does take a lot”.
An expression that I’m sure many people nowadays would agree with.
What with the cost of living crisis and everything else that’s going on in the world.
But, they were saying this 40 years ago.
And 40 years before that.
And so on.
I recently heard an updated version of Billy Joel’s. “We didn’t start the fire” by Fallout Boy.
Both listing the things that been going on in the world in recent decades.
As Billy originally sang, “it was always burning, since the world’s been turning”.
There’s always been challenges and difficulties.
That’s not to belittle any of the current situations.
But it’s powerful to realise, that life isn’t supposed to be easy.
If it was, it would be.
—— You might want to write that last line down – it’s stuck with me since I first heard it ——
The challenges that we face are just part of life.
And if one thing makes it all even harder to deal with……..
It’s telling ourselves and it “shouldn’t be this way”.
Arguing with reality.
And now more than ever with the constant messages that we receive compared to 40 years ago.
Forgetting to create that balance through remembering the 90 odd percent of our life that’s going fine.
We can’t afford life being hard.
We can just perhaps ‘choose our hard’.
The hard things that come from taking actions that benefit us.
Or the hard things that come from not doing that.
——- Many people join us having read these for years and things being getting progressively harder from not taking action until they’d had enough. When you’re at that point, you’ll find us at www.myrise.co.uk/apply) ——
Much love,
Jon ‘Norm’ Hall
RISE in Macclesfield was established in 2012 and specialise in Group Personal Training weight loss programmes for those that don’t like the gym and find diets boring and restrictive!