As you may have noticed, we do a ’20lbs in 8 weeks’ challenge ( if you want to find out more about it).
From time to time, people point out that it sounds like a bit of a ‘quick fix’.
And are surprised that that’s something we promote.
But, ultimately, in our minds there’s not necessarily anything wrong with a ‘quick fix’.
A period of focus and quick progress.
It’s what happens between ‘quick fixes’ that is the key.
If a period of quicker progress is followed by a period of slower progress, that’s cool.
Occasional standing still is ok.
It’s a bit like running through the hills.
Pick up the pace on the downhills.
Make progress while thing are relatively easy.
As long as you’re just doing ‘a bit more’ rather than something drastic and fundamentally different to what you can normally do.
Then, slower on the up hills.
When things get harder.
But keep going.
Losing weight in October and November, standing still through Christmas and then losing more in January is cool.
Making good progress Monday to Friday and ‘pausing’ over the weekend is fine.
It’s when the the contrast between those times is too great that problems arise.
When people swing from one extreme of behaviour to the other.
When people see what they’re doing as only temporary before returning to ‘normal’.
When they think in black of white, rather than shades of grey.
When days and weeks become ‘good’ or ‘bad’.
Eventually falling off the wagon and stopping completely.
So, it’s cool to make hay while the sun shines.
When your motivation is up, make some great progress.
But, at the same time, prepare for those uphill slogs.
Remember motivation will wane.
Put things in place to carry you through the slower progress to your next sprint.
Create new, lasting habits.
Question and challenge your thought processes on how you see what you’re doing.
Commit yourself to longer term goals so that you’re, mentally, seeing that you will be doing this for, at the very least, the foreseeable future.
Booking yourself in for Born Survivor with us in September is a good one. We’re on 75 on the team so far and should be 100 on the day. It will be an amazing experience 🙂
So, there’s nothing wrong with those ‘quick fixes’.
As long as they’re not too different to what you can do normally.
Put your foot to the floor when the motivation fuel tank is full and make sure you, at least, coast onwards when it runs low.
Much love,
Jon ‘Quick Brown Fox’ Hall and Matt ‘Has a lazy dog’ Nicholson