Proverbs 23:7 reads “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
Or so I heard on a podcast recently.
Sorry Alan and Kate – I haven’t taken up Bible lessons just yet 😉
I’m no expert in proverbs.
But I quite like this one.
It’s something we see all the time.
Something we do.
Everyone does.
People’s actions and behaviours are hugely influenced by the way they see themselves.
Their self image.
If they believe themselves “to be a fat person”.
They’re more likely to do things that will make them fatter / stop them losing weight.
If they think that they have low will power………
That they don’t deserve it………
That there must be something wrong with them as they can’t seem to do ‘it’………..
That they don’t like healthy food……..
That they have a ‘sweet tooth’……….
Then they are more likely to do things in line with that self image.
“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
None of these things are true, of course.
Under the right circumstances, those behaviours could change forever in an instant.
Let’s say your child / loved one developed some of disease where they would definitely die the next time you ate some rubbish, missed a workout, etc……..
Then you would suddenly ‘become’ that person that does / doesn’t do those things.
An extreme analogy, sure.
But makes you question how true that self image is, doesn’t it?
Start thinking of yourself a different way and the behaviours will follow.
To start with!
But it’ll become real sooner than you think.
Try it!
Much love,
Jon ‘3:16′ Hall and Matt ’24:7’ Nicholson
P.S If you haven’t clicked it yet, here’s that link for the find-out-more Briefing Meeting –