I’ve mentioned several times in articles about the music that the boys and I listen to on our trips to and from Bakewell (where they go to school / nursery and live with their mum).
A new song that has made it into Ol’s playlist is Diamonds by Rihanna.
I quite like it as it has a couple of great messages in it.
Ones I’m going to share with you now.
I love the central message of “You and I, you and I, we’re like diamonds in the sky” and “Shine bright like a diamond”.
We’re all diamonds.
Each and every one of us are special in our own unique way.
No other person on the planet has the same combination of experiences, knowledge, thoughts, opinions, dreams, friends and family as we do.
We’re, literally, one in seven billion.
But it’s all too easy to forget that sometimes.
Because there’s always someone ‘better’ than us at each individual thing we do.
In this age of ‘information sharing’ we’re constantly reminded of how we should look and behave.
And what we should do and wear.
And it’s easy to be very hard on ourselves.
And think that we’re rubbish.
We all do it.
I get down from time to time.
Thinking I’m not doing a good job.
As a boyfriend, father, friend, coach, business owner and so on.
I need to remind myself that I am a diamond.
As a quick aside, I was reading an ad on facey yesterday for a certain, will remain nameless, meal replacement drink.
It said it was for people “who love life and love themselves”.
From my experience, most people who have dieted and yo-yo’d for years and lost and regained the weight and are trying the latest ‘quick fix’ generally hate themselves to some degree.
Rihanna also says in this song that she “chose to be happy”.
It’s a hard thing to realise sometimes, but we can all chose to be happy.
We aren’t the sum of our experiences and what’s happened to us.
We’re how we chose to respond to that.
Choosing to be happy isn’t easy – otherwise everyone would do it.
But it can be done.
So, however you’re feeling about yourself at the moment, take a moment to remind yourself of why you are diamond.
You are the only you.
The only person in the whole world who knows what you know.
Has the same hopes and dreams as you.
You are a diamond and you deserve to be happy.
Never forget (oops – a Take That song has snuck in).
Got some good stuff tomorrow about resistance training – but, again, it probably won’t be what you think.
Much love,
Jon ‘Good girl gone bad’ Hall and Matt ‘Rude Boy’ Nicholson