Every now and again someone pretends that they can’t hear me when I ring them up.
You know the score “Hello. Hello. I can’t hear you” – hangs up.
I have a saved message that I then send to them.
“Hey NAME – just checking if you hung up or couldn’t hear me? Either is fine, just so I know whether to call again? Jon”
And no one has ever replied to this message.
Until the other day.
Someone who genuinely had lost reception.
We arranged another time to speak.
Now in every single one of these hang ups I’m sure people have own internal justifications.
I know some people have said before that they felt that I was “hassling” then.
But, ultimately, they’d filled out a form in which they requested that I contact them.
I was doing the exact thing that they’d asked me to do.
If they’ve changed their mind in the meantime, they only have to let me know.
I’m not a mind reader.
But I get it.
We all do it.
Adjust the narrative in our head to make it so that something that is entirely our own doing is actually someone else’s.
I know in the past that I’ve blamed people for stuff that, in retrospect, was 100% my own fault.
Taking complete ownership of our actions is powerful.
And it makes it and much more pleasurable experience for everyone involved in the majority of instances.
Letting someone know that we’ve changed our mind about something that we’ve expressed interest in is much more pleasant for both sides.
Accepting that every single thing we’ve ever eaten in our life was entirely our own choice can help us make changes to those eating choices that we make going forwards.
It might be the choices that we made in advance that dictated what was in front of us at Hungry O’Clock.
It might be the choices around where we went to get food and who it was with.
It might be around the beliefs that we’ve adopted regarding what making different food choices in front of other people means to them and us.
Or our beliefs around things like ‘treating’ ourselves, portion size, leaving food when we’ve had enough, waste, ‘getting our money’s worth” and so on.
And, ultimately, all of these things are our choice.
We can make whatever choice we like and no one should tell us otherwise.
But remembering that they are all our choices is where we stop being a victim of circumstance and become a director of our own progress (and it’s – surprisingly easy – progress that you’ll get at www.myrise.co.uk/apply)
Much love,
Jon ‘Hanging On the Telephone’ Hall
RISE in Macclesfield was established in 2012 and specialise in Group Personal Training weight loss programmes for those that don’t like the gym and find diets boring and restrictive!