Stuff I’m useless at – Macclesfield Personal trainer weight loss advice
As I’ve mentioned before as Personal Trainers we’re no less human than anyone else.
Whilst we may have put systems in place into our lives that make getting and staying in shape less challenging than it is for most – it doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easy.
And it doesn’t mean we’ve got all aspects of our lives sorted.
The following are things that I am completely useless at:
Finding stuff
I can be looking for something (keys, papers, my bag, etc) for ages.
As far as I’m aware, I’m looking everywhere very carefully.
Alex, my girlfriend, will come to help and find it instantly.
Right in a place that I know I’ve looked at.
I must have been staring straight at it.
I’ve always been like this – terrible at finding things.
Taking my hayfever medication
Every year I get terrible hayfever.
Every year I keep forgetting to take my medication.
I’ve had sneezy summers for 20 years straight and it still doesn’t occur to me!
Switching off
I’ll sometimes get home and still be thinking about work.
Alex will talk to me and tell me I’m not concentrating on what she’s saying.
It’s very rude of me.
There’s loads more, but this will do for a start.
Years ago I accepted that I was never going to be ‘naturally’ good at these things.
So I started putting ‘systems’ in place to make it as easy as possible.
‘Trying harder’ rarely works at anything.
It suggests the problem before was a lack of effort which is rarely the case.
It’s usually ‘miss-applied effot’.
Like someone sawing away with a blunt saw, when taking 5 minutes off to sharpen it would make the whole process much quicker overall.
The systems I put in place were:
Finding stuff
I try to follow my Nanna’s old advice of “A place for everything and everything in it’s place”.
I have hook for my car keys.
An in-out tray for papers.
I try to only put these things in the right place so there will only be one place to look for them.
Doesn’t always works perfectly, but is miles better than trying to become a ‘better finder’.
Each year I buy several packs of medication and leave them everywhere.
Bed side cupboard – kitchen drawer – car – laptop bag – drawers at both RISE s, etc.
So when I start sneezing, there should be some drugs near me somewhere.
Switching off
As I’ve mentioned the ‘Systems for Dealing with Stress’ article, I have places along the various routes I take (work – home, work – fetching kids, etc) where, when I pass them I make a conscious effort to switch into ‘Work mode’ or ‘Dad mode’ or ‘Boyfriend mode’ and leave whatever else is in my mind behind until I next pass that point.
So, whatever you find challenging, try and put a system in place to make it easier, rather that just ‘trying harder’.
Here’s a few common ones we suggest:
Drinking water
If you struggle to drink enough water, but several water bottles (preferably aluminium, not plastic) and leave them in the various locations you might drink in.
One at work, one in the fridge at home, one in the car.
And decide on a time when you will check and refill them (on waking, first coffee break, etc).
Leave the water in view, so when you see it, you will have water available to drink and be reminded of it.
Not adding crap to your shopping basket
Do online shopping.
You can now ‘subscribe’ by paying a certain amount per year and not have to pay-per-shop.
Even if you pay the £5 delivery each time, it’ll save an hour of your life (worth £5 surely) and minimise the chance of you buying the rubbish they cleverly position in the supermarket to maximise the chance of you buying it.
Going to the gym / class / GTP session
Make an appointment.
Whether it’s with a Personal Trainer who will be expecting you.
Or your friend or partner.
Or using a system that rewards or punishes you for attending or missing a session (such as GymPact).
The value of an appointment is huge and is one of the reasons our members at RISE get such amazing transformations.
I could go on all day.
But, whatever aspect of your life you find challenging (not just health related) – try putting a system in place to make it easier to do, rather than just ‘trying harder’.
Much love,
Jon ‘Systems’ Hall