Like Haniball in the ‘A-Team’, I love a good plan (man, I loved that show when I was a kid).
One thing we always try and get people away from is the idea of ‘trying harder’.
Just putting ‘more effort’ into things rarely works.
Because lack of effort was rarely the problem before.
It’s usually applying the effort in the wrong ways.
Tryin harder just makes people feel a bit shit when they fail, yet again, to do what they set out to do.
Trying smarter is the key.
Putting a system, a plan, into place, to enable thiings to happen more easily is key.
The last two Saturdays we’ve held seminars on ‘Why your breakfast is making you fat’ at both our clubs.
The main feedback we got from most was how useful they found some of the systems we talked about.
They know the theory of what they should be eating for breakfast, but it wasn’t quite happening.
And they were frustrated by this.
Putting a few intelligent systems in place has made it much easier for these guys since.
Same (or less) application of effort – better results.
Moving the pivot point, if you will.
It’s like moving your hand down the spade when digging, rather than just pulling harder.
I’ve done a little video this morning on one of the systems we use in my house for breakfast and lunch.
Check it out here.
If you guys find it useful, we’ll do some more 🙂
Much love,
Jon “I ain’t gettin on no plane” Hall