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I may have mentioned before that I help in my two eldest sons’ school on a Thursday morning. I’ll be there right now when this comes out as a matter of fact.
## I work a 15+ hour day on Monday to make up for it though, before any of the local FitPros that read these make some sort of ‘part time’ comment ##
The other week I was helping in Oli’s class Tolkein (they’ve recently changed the class names from numbers to author surnames which is slightly confusing)………..
And they we debating.
On whether we (as a population in general) should eat meat, funnily enough.
But meat isn’t what I’m going to talk about here.
It was interesting to see that (as far as I could see), the entire class was, initially, pro eating meat.
But as both sides of the argument were presented, there was a degree of opinion change in some.
It’s a useful tactic.
Think About the Opposite Argument
Presenting the opposite point of view to what you currently believe.
Sometimes it will lead to you changing your point of view somewhat.
Sometimes it will galvanise your existing stance.
Always worth looking into though.
Never more so than in the field of weight loss, fitness and health.
It’s very easy to latch on to certain healthy eating and exercise opinions and hold them as true.
To consider them as facts.
Healthy Eating and Exercise Opinions
“Healthy eating is boring / time consuming / restrictive / expensive”
“I don’t have time to exercise”
“I don’t like exercise”
And so on.
Imagine though that you had to make the case for the opposition.
You had to present the case that;
“Healthy eating is fun / easy / varied / good value”
“I have time to exercise”
“I like exercise”
What would you say?
What case would you make to try and convince people of that point of view?
You’d have something to say, I’m sure.
Make that case.
In your head.
What would it look like?
It may make no difference to what you currently believe.
But it may do the opposite too 🙂
Much love,
Jon ‘Brief’ Hall and Matt ‘Basket’ Nicholson
P.S. Details up online for the find-out-more meeting at the end of March for the April intake if you couldn’t make the last one 🙂
RISE Macclesfield – myrise.co.uk
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