I have a question for you?
Do the days get longer or shorter in summer?
Same question for winter.
If you said “longer in summer” and “shorter in winter”, you’d have been me only a few months ago.
Or, maybe, “both” or “longer then shorter” at best.
I only realised last year that, with summer starting on the longest day of the year, the days ONLY GET SHORTER in summer.
And, with winter starting on the shortest day, days ONLY GET LONGER in winter.
Madness, isn’t it?
Counter intuitive.
Doesn’t “feel” that way, does it?
But how things feel don’t always hold up to the facts.
We may “feel” that we’ve not been eating much but, when we accept that everyone ever accurately assessed has lost weight in a verified, sustained calorie deficit……………
We, therefore, have to accept we’ve been in calorie maintenance if we’ve not lost weight or calorie surplus if we’ve gained it.
Stripping back any emotions, reasons and / or explanations, that’s just what’s happened.
We may “feel” we don’t have time to eat better but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t some adjustments we could make to our eating that take zero additional time (or are, maybe, even quicker) and would take us towards our goals.
We may “feel” that we’re “all or nothing”, that we “self sabotage” or that “there’s something wrong with me” but they aren’t actual things and are just labels we use to justify our choices.
We may “feel” that meditation isn’t for us but that’s normally having spent between 0 and 10 minutes out of the last million actually giving it a go.
How we “feel” isn’t always accurate.
It’s not always reflected in reality.
Nothing wrong with that.
But always worth remembering.
Much love,
Jon ‘Seasons in the sun’ Hall
P.S. Everyone who ever clicked this link and changed their life felt a bit unsure before they did it –> www.myrise.co.uk/apply
RISE in Macclesfield was established in 2012 and specialise in Group Personal Training weight loss programmes for those that don’t like the gym and find diets boring and restrictive!