Last Monday night we did our monthly social event.

We took part in a quiz at one of the local pubs.

I confirmed numbers a couple of days before and rang the pub to reserve some tables.

Because we were quite a big group (26 – if you fancy trying out somewhere that has a great social atmosphere and consistently produces awesome results then pop to and submit your details) they said they’re going to put us in the side room, which was fine.

When I arrived, having taken the last Session of the day, there were two tables of people sat in the side room.

So we very politely pointed out the sign that said that we had reserved the room.

One table immediately apologised and went next door.

The other one, shall we say, didn’t.

They were not happy.

And they let us and the staff know it.

Their main justifications were “We always sit here” and “We were here first”.

“I get that” I replied.

“But a reserved sign kinda trumps that. And you did just choose to ignore that”.

They did, eventually, move.

After several “choice” words directed at us and the staff.

Zero acceptance that they had made the mistake.

That they were, essentially, in the wrong.

And I got that.

It’s hard to admit when we’re wrong.

But it’s powerful

Because we have two choices when we’re wrong;

1. Accept that we’re wrong and learn from it

2. Continue to be wrong

And I know which of those choices will benefit us more long-term.

I appreciate that being told that we’re wrong can be quite emotive.

So I never do that in these blogs.

I, perhaps, just help people question their thoughts around things.

Present them with information that may help them change their viewpoint.

So here’s a few combos of opinions and statements that may help people question them.

1A – “I can’t seem to lose weight no matter what I do”

1B – No one ever tested in controlled circumstances has not lost weight when in a verified, sustained calorie deficit

2A – “I don’t have time to exercise”

2B – I, personally, have never encountered anyone who was able to show me their schedule that showed every single waking minute to be filled and showing zero time spent on low value activities

3A – “It’s not worth exercising once a week”

3B – “I’ve never encountered anyone who’s done 520 workouts in the last 10 years, who wasn’t fitter than someone who hadn’t exercised at all in a decade”

4A – “I couldn’t eat well last week because I had a lot of social things on”

4B – I’ve never encountered anyone who’s had so many social events in one week that they couldn’t have averaged out calorie maintenance across the other several dozen meals in that time.

And, there’ll be more.

I get that no one likes the idea of being proven wrong

But when we accept that the alternative in such a situation is to continue to be wrong……..

It’s empowering.

Much love,

Jon ‘Dispute the answer to the ‘Titanic’ question’ Hall


RISE in Macclesfield was established in 2012 and specialise in Group Personal Training weight loss programmes for those that don’t like the gym and find diets boring and restrictive!

Jon Hall
Jon Hall

When not helping people to transform their lives and bodies, Jon can usually be found either playing with his kids or taxi-ing them around. If you'd like to find out more about what we do at RISE then enter your details in the box to the right or bottom of this page or at - this is the same way every single one of the hundreds who've described this as "one of the best decisions I've ever made" took their first step.