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I was listen to the olde wireless in the car the other day.
### As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve taken to referring to things in terms that are actually way older than I am. Mainly to amuse myself with the kids. ‘Hit Parade’ is another good one ####
Once In A Lifetime by Talking Heads came on.
Good song.
Go check it if you’ve not heard it before.
One section goes;
“And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile. And you may find yourself in a beautiful house with a beautiful wife. And you may ask yourself, well ‘How did I get here’?”
It was the “How did I get here?” line that jumped out at me.
It’s a question that we’ve all asked ourselves many times, I’m sure.
I had a get together recently to mark 20 years since we left secondary school.
It got me thinking about how, 20 years later, I’ve ended up living and working in Macclesfield with my own business, four kids and a second wife.
Usually the majority of the answers to any “How did I get here?” question are lots of small decisions, building up over time.
Most of what happens to us in life doesn’t come from the rarer, big events.
Some, sure.
But much is those smaller decisions compounding over time.
Make Weight Loss Seem Easier
It’s the same with our long term success stories.
Lots of research shows that short term, bigger changes can be great to elicit that early result, leading to buy in and enthusiasm..
But the longer term ‘finishing of the journey’ and maintaining the results………..
Usually come from months of smaller, seemingly innocuous changes adding up.
And from changing of mindsets around those things that need to be done to get the results. They make weight loss seem easier.
Many times we’ve had someone who’s struggled to lose weight for years, finally get there only to think “How did I get here?”
It was less effort than before but yielded better results.
Years of hard work and will power didn’t quite work.
But something easier then did (check RISE in Macclesfield’s briefing meeting if you like the sound of that).
Sure, it will require effort in places.
But if it’s too much like hard work, it won’t last.
Make enough little tweaks and time will do the rest.
And maybe, along the way, we’ll challenge some of those thoughts around what seems like hard work 🙂
Much love,
Jon ‘Speaking of large(ish) automobiles, we still don’t have our 7 seater back from the garage after nearly three months now. The five seater courtesy car has worn very thin when there’s six of us’ Hall and Matt ‘Sold every car I’ve ever owned for a profit’ Nicholson
RISE Macclesfield – myrise.co.uk
Serious transformations. Fun times!
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Or check out our monthly find-out-more meeting if you want to learn more about our free ’20lbs weight loss in 8 weeks’ and ‘Beach Body’ challenges –> myrise.co.uk/briefing-meeting