Have you ever booked a holiday and then, when it’s got to the day before, said that you can’t go because you’re busy?

Maybe someone’s requested a meeting at work?

You’ve got a lot on?

I doubt it.

I would imagine the holidays are going in the diary weeks or months in advance and nothing can move them.

They are non-negotiables.

So, as per the subject to this blog, could we just choose to treat other things a bit more like holidays.

I’m not naïve enough to think that it will be equally immovable.

But I’m sure many things could be somewhat more ‘set’ than they are now.

Could we set our workouts and food prep time as repeat events in our calendar app?

—— Note: If we don’t use any sort of calendar then we’re definitely just unorganised, not “too busy” —–

Now maybe those things will move to different times in the week as other things come up.

Maybe sometimes they just won’t happen because we genuinely have too much other stuff to do.

But I’m pretty confident that they’re much more likely to happen than if they never really get scheduled.

Just left as things that we planned to “fit in” at some point.

This doesn’t just apply to exercise and food preparation.

It can be for any steps to achieve any goals that we desire.

Schedule the steps as far in advance as possible.

Do what you can to protect the time.

Maybe not quite as much as you would protect a holiday, sure.

But something a bit more in that direction.

Much love,

Jon ‘Pirates’ Hall

P.S. Holidays are cool and I love them too. But it saddens me that most people spend so much more of their money, time and effort on stuff that makes them feel better for a week or two than they do on stuff that’ll make them feel better all year round. WhatsApp me for details (https://wa.me/447897031487?text=Info) on how I can help you change that 🙂


RISE in Macclesfield was established in 2012 and specialise in Group Personal Training weight loss programmes for those that don’t like the gym and find diets boring and restrictive!

Jon Hall
Jon Hall

When not helping people to transform their lives and bodies, Jon can usually be found either playing with his kids or taxi-ing them around. If you'd like to find out more about what we do at RISE then enter your details in the box to the right or bottom of this page or at myrise.co.uk - this is the same way every single one of the hundreds who've described this as "one of the best decisions I've ever made" took their first step.