We were chatting to some ninjas the other day.
One was saying that her boyfriend had been telling her the advice we’ve been giving her was all wrong.
She should be eating less fat and protein.
Doing more ‘cardio’ (ie: plodding away on a treadmill or cross trainer).
And cereal for breakfast.
Pretty much everyone has an opinion on the best ways to lose weight, change body shape, get fit, etc.
Because they’ll have done a bit of it themselves in the past.
Or know someone who has.
Or read something about it.
“What does your boyfriend do?” we asked.
“He’s a mechanic” came the reply.
“What would he think if I told him he was fixing cars wrong because I’d heard differently on Top Gear and I’ve been driving cars for nearly 18 years?” I said.
You get the point.
As always, we’re not saying we know everything.
There are some absolute geniuses in our field who we are aspiring to be as knowledgeable.
But we have got quite a bit of experience in this field.
If you want to listen to what someone else says, then we’d like to suggest that you only go for someone who has as much, if not more, experience and success stories.
Someone else who has a busy club with the walls plastered with before and afters of people who’ve achieved great results by following their advice.
Someone else who has over 100 5* reviews on FaceyB (www.facebook.com/theacademygtcmacclesfield/reviews)
Someone else who was short-listed in the Top 6 in their field at the 2014 National Fitness Awards.
You get the idea.
Next time someone gives you some advice that conflicts with what we say, you should probably trust it as much as our advice on how to fix your car.
Much love,
Jon ‘Can change a wheel’ Hall and Matt ‘Good at buying and selling cars, not so much at fixing them’ Nicholson