Have you ever said (or thought) of yourself that “I’m all or nothing”?
I’d guess that most, if not all, of us have at times.
What did the “all” actually mean?
We probably used it in relation to exercise and eating.
So what did “all” look like in that situation?
From the thousands of conversations I’ve had along these lines over the years, I’d wager there was a loose definition at best.
If any definition.
“You know, exercising regularly and eating well” is a fairly normal response to that question.
But what does that look like?
Daily two hour workouts and just salads, chicken and broccoli and the like?
Is “all” actually the most that anyone could possible do?
Professional athletes, bodybuilders and the like for whom “all” is their job?
If that’s our definition and we’re only going for one of two options, then it’s definitely going to end up being “nothing”, isn’t it?
And, let’s be honest, whatever the definition of “all” is, it’s probably too much.
Experience has taught us that.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
The choices doesn’t have to be…………
14 hours of exercise per week……….
Or zero hours of exercise per week.
It’s doesn’t have to be……….
Eat in a large deficit of single ingredient fresh foods or……….
Eat in a massive surplus of anything tasty I can get my hands on.
There are choices in between.
It can be two, three or four workouts per week.
It can be maintenance calories or surplus calories for this particular meal or day.
Out of all the mindsets that we could benefit from questioning, I’ve always found that “all or nothing” is right up there as the most beneficial.
It’s worth asking what “all” actually is.
And if that’s even feasible.
If it’s just setting us up for “nothing”.
And if there are any better “or” questions we can ask instead.
Much love,
Jon ‘IF, AND, OR, NOT’ Hall
P.S. This choice is pretty binary. Click this link and change your life —> www.myrise.co.uk/apply. Or don’t and don’t.
RISE in Macclesfield was established in 2012 and specialise in Group Personal Training weight loss programmes for those that don’t like the gym and find diets boring and restrictive!