If you follow our page on Facebook, you’ll probably have seen our latest set of results over the last week or so.


As always, lots of all round awesomeness 🙂


One particularly note worthy one this month though comes from Stacey.


Having completed her third ’20lbs challenge’ and lost a total of 68lbs (and counting) Stacey’s before and after picture looks like two different people.


We’ll link you shortly.


She’s done an amazing job!


Our favourite change though?


The huge smile she has now 🙂


######### For those that question our challenges, this, of course, means that Stacey has had 6 months for free – ask her on the before and after if you don’t believe it #########


Anyway, the point of this blog is a couple of conversations we’ve overheard between Stacey and others after she did her assessment confirming the third challenge.


“What’s your secret?” or questions to that effect were asked of her.


“No secret” she said.


“I just did what they recommended.”


It’s human nature to use a lack of knowledge to justify a lack of results.


To search for the ‘secret’ – the thing you don’t know that’s stopping you being in the shape you want to be in.


We can appreciate the amount of misinformation out there can make it confusing for many as to what the ‘best’ thing to do is.


But we’d wager that everyone who’s not getting results knows how they could be eating healthier than they are now.


And if you’ve been reading these emails for a while you know enough to get you at least 80-90% of the way there.


A balanced diet of natural foods (third of your energy each from carbs, protein and fats – a 2:2:1 ratio in weight terms).


Challenging, fun, interval based exercise 3+ times a week.


More water, less alcohol and caffeine.


Improve sleep and stress levels.


That’s pretty much it.


Not saying it’s easy.


Not having a go if you’ve struggled to implement these things.


But it is simple.


You do know what to do.


And realising that is hugely empowering.


It can help lift that veil of ‘confusion’.


And help identify what’s really holding you back.


What are the real reasons for you not doing what you know you need to do?


Takes a bit more soul searching………


But that’s where the answer lies.




Here’s the link to Stacey’s before and after if you’re interested. Give a ‘congrats’ while you’re there if you like.


Here’s another link for those of you that haven’t tried us out yet and fancy changes like Stacey has had (such as a lovely new smile): myrise.co.uk/briefing-meeting



Much love,


Jon ‘Secret Santa’ Hall and Matt ‘Secret Agent’ Nicholson

Jon Hall
Jon Hall

When not helping people to transform their lives and bodies, Jon can usually be found either playing with his kids or taxi-ing them around. If you'd like to find out more about what we do at RISE then enter your details in the box to the right or bottom of this page or at myrise.co.uk - this is the same way every single one of the hundreds who've described this as "one of the best decisions I've ever made" took their first step.