Existing ninjas will be well aware that there are certain words we don’t use.
Banned words if you will 😉
Words that when a ninja does use them, we look at them all confused……
Until they use the right word.
Some of you non or soon-to-be ninjas may have picked up on some from the emails too.
So we thought it would be worth going through these words.
And why we don’t use them.
- Gym
We aren’t a gym.
A gym is a building full of equipment.
That you pay to rent access to.
And no one notices or cares if you go.
We are RISE.
Or a if you’d rather.
We find that when people use the ‘gym’ word, it puts them in the wrong mindset.
It sets them up for the same failures they’ve had at gyms before.
- Classes
A class is where an instructor stands at the front and takes the entire class through a set workout.
Generously quite random exercises.
No structure or progression.
No individualisation.
Just a workout – no attached nutrition, motivation and lifestyle based programme.
Our GTP sessions are a group version of what we did / do in 1:1 training.
Again, ‘classes’ puts people in the wrong mindset.
Where people go somewhere, do some random exercises, then go home and treat themselves to a glass of wine, cake, etc.
That’s not what we do.
- Diet
A diet is a short term thing.
Something you do for a set period of time before returning to old habits.
This is a lifestyle change.
Hopefully, a permanent lifestyle change.
Sure, we use the term ‘A Balanced Diet’ to help people understand part of the concept.
But overall, this is a permanent lifestyle change.
Not a short term, quick fix.
So, if you were unsure why we’ve ‘banned’ these words, then there you go 🙂
Much love,
Jon ‘Unbalanced’ Hall and Matt ‘Banned Aid’ Nicholson
P.S. We’ve got the date of the next find-out-more meeting set up if you, or a friend, want to see if the FREE ’20lbs in 8 weeks weight loss challenge’ (or general membership for those with less than 20lbs to lose) is for you – myrise.co.uk/briefing-meeting.