More variations on the marshmallow experiments today.


###### Tests into whether children could defer the immediate pleasure of one treat in exchange for the greater pleasure of two after a short wait, and what that predicted for future success, in case you missed it ######


In another test, the participants were first asked to say what choice someone else would make first, before attempting the test.


Something like “What do you think a smart little boy would do?”


Or “What do you think the cleverest girl in you class would choose?”


Or “What would mummy do?”


Naturally, after thought the children generally said that the other person would chose the greater but deferred ‘prize’.


Although there actions then didn’t always reflect what they thought the other person would……….


They did much more often than in the group that weren’t asked the question.


So, asking the participants what they thought someone else, whose opinion they respected, would do, made it much more likely they would make that choice themselves.


And the same applies with adults in real world situations.


Christians often use the question “What Would Jesus Do?” to help them make a decision.


They might not always do the same then.


But I’d wager they do much more often than if they didn’t ask the question.


You can do the same, of course.


When faced with a decision……..


“What shall I have for tea tonight?”


“Shall I go for that workout?”


“Shall I set my alarm to make that early session?”


“Shall I eat / drink that XYZ that I’m being offered?”


“What will I put in my basket when I go shopping?”


“Shall I keep this crappy food I’ve got in stock or just bin it?”


And so on.


Ask yourself what a ‘smart’ someone else would do first.


It might be someone famous you admire.


Someone you know.


It could be ‘future you’.


It might be one of us.


Anyone who has done or is doing what you want to do.


Whose opinion you respect.


It’ll only take a second to do when faced with those questions.


And the same as always, if you don’t try it it stands a 0% chance of success.


Give it a go and it could make a difference.


Let us know how you get on 🙂


BTW: Last Marshmallow email tomorrow!


And, in case you missed it, we’ve got details of the find out more meeting for the upcoming challenges (including the 5lbs lee-way on the 20lbs challenge) in a few weeks:


Much love,


Jon ‘What Would Arnie Do?’ Hall and Matt ‘What Would Poliquin Do?’ Nicholson

Jon Hall
Jon Hall

When not helping people to transform their lives and bodies, Jon can usually be found either playing with his kids or taxi-ing them around. If you'd like to find out more about what we do at RISE then enter your details in the box to the right or bottom of this page or at - this is the same way every single one of the hundreds who've described this as "one of the best decisions I've ever made" took their first step.