The one thing that we find unites all our success stories……….
Is that after a while they don’t really miss their old way old way of eating and drinking.
“I’m not that bothered about that stuff anymore they often say.”
Over time their mindset has changed.
From one of deprivation………
You know – depriving themselves of the foods and drinks they love.
Using willpower.
Relying on motivation.
Making themselves do something they only kinda want to do.
To a mindset that concentrates on the benefits that healthy living brings.
They realise that what they really want is to be happy.
And the cake, biscuits, alcohol, etc were only a short term fix.
Temporary happiness.
And that what REALLY makes them happy is liking the way their body looks.
And having all the energy they need to do what they want to do.
And sleeping better, having less aches and pains, a better sex life and so on.
And they realise that eating and living a certain way brings these greater happinesses (yes, I know that’s not a word).
So they then find that they want to eat this way.
They are eating what they want.
Not quite their yet?
Then ask yourself this………..
Which do you want more:
Cake, biscuits, convenience food, etc.
Or to like the way you body looks, feels and functions?
And go from there 🙂
Need help changing these mindsets?
That’s what we do 🙂
The find out more meeting for the LAST free ’20lbs weight loss’ and ‘Beach Body’ 8 week challenges is tomorrow night – click here for more info:
Much love,
Jon ‘