Just take the on ramp

It can be hard to stick to our goals sometimes, can't it? Exercising X times per week for Y hours. All these 'better' food choices. Work stuff, family stuff and so on. It can

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Even chimps do it

Take a chimp. Not literally. Unless you really want to. This chimp is 'Proper Bo' at cracking nuts. He's got the best technique going. 'King of the nutcrackers' he is. Pop him in with a group

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I’m forever blowing them up

Our current car is obsessed with tyre pressure. It has a sensor thing that tells you to check their pressure every now and again and then 'reinitialise'. I've put more air into

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It’s not a homing pigeon

Motivation is something we all struggle with at different times. Whether in the olde weight loss, health and fitness game, or elsewhere in our lives. It comes and goes. But do you know

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“I’m struggling”

It was our monthly Coaching Day the other week. As part of that, all members get their InBody analysis (only one in the region) and an interpretation of it and consultation

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