I mentioned in yesterday’s blog that people have, at times, questioned how many hours I work and how much I get paid.
Without the slightest clue what the numbers for either of those things are.
And I paralleled into getting accuracy on the numbers involved in weight loss.
Energy balance.
I kept meaning to go back and add an extra consideration to that blog.
But I didn’t get around to it.
And creating a second blog is always useful when you’re over 3,000 in.
There’s another set of numbers that we rarely know when we essentially make concrete statements about them.
When we say we’re “too busy” for something………
How often do we have the numbers on where we currently assign our time?
Rarely, if ever, from my experience.
Because, remember, we can’t “make” or “create” time.
Just choose how we assign it.
And if I ask someone exactly how many hours per week they spent doing various things when they say they “don’t have time” for something……….
I get a vague answer at best.
I’d give a vague answer at best (I’ll come back to this on Friday).
And it can be powerful to get accuracy on these numbers.
If we know exactly how many minutes and hours we spend on various things per week, we can usually look at some degree of reassignment.
Things we can just stop or do less frequently.
Things that we can batch – doing them less frequently for longer periods but for less time used overall.
Things we can ‘systemise’ to some degree – find a better way to do them in less time.
I have a little mini course on this at www.myrise.co.uk/time
Every person I’ve known to ever do this has found it invaluable.
They’ve got facts and numbers that they’ve been able to work with to then make some changes so that they can assign time to the things that they’ve previously struggled with.
No one is ever regretted doing this or said it wasn’t useful.
But countless people haven’t done it.
Claiming that they’re “too busy” to become less busy.
When, I think we all know, that we really avoid it because we know it will blow our justifications out of the water.
So, if you ever considered that you’re “too busy”, and don’t have a detailed breakdown of how you’re assigning that finite resource of time………
Jump to www.myrise.co.uk/time
I promise you won’t regret it.
Much love,
Jon ‘Novate’ Hall
P.S. And I promise (with an guarantee with an actual Money Back Guarantee) that you won’t regret trying our four week transformation programme – www.myrise.co.uk/apply
RISE in Macclesfield was established in 2012 and specialise in Group Personal Training weight loss programmes for those that don’t like the gym and find diets boring and restrictive!