If you’ve ever been overweight to some degree I’m sure you’ll identify with this.
Either you think you’re being lazy.
Or other people do.
Or both.
Over the years I’ve heard countless people describe people who are overweight as lazy **insert your own expletive**.
I’ll never forget one of my very early experiences that showed me how off this thinking usually is.
During by first Personal Training job in Sheffiled 11 years ago I was having a chat with one of the guys in the free weights area.
Big, jacked up dude he was.
Looked awesome.
He mentioned he’d been watching one of my sessions with a new client.
A rather overweight gentleman.
The guy then said, of my client, “He just needs to stop being such a lazy bastard”.
Which was interesting.
My client was, from what I’d gleaned in conversation, a very hard worker.
He’d come from a difficult background to set up his own company.
Made a lot of money.
Provided a very nice life for his wife and 3 kids.
Big house, nice car.
Provided a living for dozens of others.
Put the hours in still.
The guy in the free weights was, at that point, between jobs.
Generally seemed to struggle to hold any job down.
Was a distant father to two (I believe) children by two mothers.
Don’t think he did much else but train, eat and sleep to be honest.
Not to judge anyone, but I remember thinking that him calling the other guy a ‘lazy bastard’ was a little unfair.
In our experience it’s very rare that when someone starts with us that they’ve got out of shape by being ‘lazy’.
They just generally find that particular aspect of their life difficult.
Or at least not enjoyable.
But they’ll usually be putting the effort in elsewhere.
In their roles at work or as parents, friends, partners, etc.
That’s why we’re so big on changing the way that people see the things they need to do to get in shape.
Make it less of an ‘effort’.
More something they enjoy and ‘just do’.
If you’re not already working with us, you can find out more about what we do at the orientation session tonight – check it out here – myrise.co.uk/briefing-meeting
But the main thing to take away is that people aren’t out of shape because they’re ‘lazy’.
It’s miss-application of effort usually.
Move the ‘pivot’ and the same amount of effort “will move the world”.
Much love,
Jon ‘Archimedes Lever’ Hall and Matt ‘Screw’ Nicholson