Imagine you go to the opticians.


You tell him / her that your vision isn’t as good as you’d like it to be.


“I’ve got just the thing” he says.


“My vision wasn’t great, until I got these”


And he hands you his own glasses.


You go to another optician.


This one gets you to try on every pair of glasses in the shop in no particular order.


Until you find one that’s makes things clearer.


Both pretty rubbish approaches, yeah?


But pretty much what you get with most health and fitness options.


The trainer, instructor, dietician, club leader, etc, etc gets you to follow what they did.


Because it worked for them.


Or they try do something specific for you.


But all a bit random with no particular structure.


What we endeavour to do is to have a certain structure.


A journey for members to follow.


Systems people can use.


Progressively designed exercise programmes.


A ‘way’ of eating.


And so on.


But with room for individualisation within each.


Ways to adjust the exercise, food, lifestyle approaches and so on……..


In order to fit in with that person……..


But still make forward progress!


Because we know that what’s best for one person, isn’t necessarily best for another.



Much love,


Jon ‘Contacts’ Hall and Matt ’20-20′ Nicholson


P.S. Yesterday’s middle names were, of course, donkey based board games – ‘Hard Ass’ and ‘Donkey: It’s A Kick’




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Jon Hall
Jon Hall

When not helping people to transform their lives and bodies, Jon can usually be found either playing with his kids or taxi-ing them around. If you'd like to find out more about what we do at RISE then enter your details in the box to the right or bottom of this page or at - this is the same way every single one of the hundreds who've described this as "one of the best decisions I've ever made" took their first step.