Yesterday morning I was chatting to a long-term member.

She was telling me that she’d started to look at the trainings at

Which is great.

The really interesting thing that she said was how I’d initially annoyed her with it.

Which is also fine.

I would never set out to annoy someone, of course.

But if 22 years in this game has taught me anything…….

It’s that me just smiling and nodding and agreeing with what everyone says will not help get make changes.

Probably the thing that people say they need the most when they first join is “accountability”.

And accountability is often annoying.

But there was a particular phrase that jumped out in our conversation.

“He doesn’t know anything about my life” she’d told herself initially.

And I get that.

I’ve felt the same about coaches I’ve worked with and content I’ve seen online.

I would say it’s not entirely true.

But I fully understand that I don’t know everything about anyone’s life.

There are certain experiences they’ll have had that I either haven’t or never will.

I don’t know everything they’ve got going on right now, everything that’s happened in the past and the impact that has on where we’re at now.

Which is why I aim to do the following;

1. Don’t just give people a standard list of things to do that they’ve probably had before.

Work with them to find approaches that work for them and that they’re happy and willing to do and fit around their commitments and circumstances (it’s to see, through our risk free, Money Back Guarantee trial if this will help your more than the same old list of instructions. Spoiler: It will!)

2. Make available tools that people can use irrespective of what they’ve got going on.

Anyone can take a log of how they use their time.

Anyone can look at what’s in that log and make decisions around things they can stop doing, do less of and / or do better or differently.

Same as anyone can track what they’re eating and use that as the basis for some changes.

Maybe turns out that they are currently using their time as efficiently and effectively as possible and no changes can be made.

I’ve yet to see that in anyone that’s done it.

But it is, of course, possible.

So, if what I say annoys you sometimes, I get that.

It’s done from a position of wanting to help.

It’s just asking better questions.

Not the same questions that led to the same answers as before.

Questions being the steering wheel of the mind.

Because if nothing changes, nothing changes.

Much love,

Jon ‘360’ Hall


RISE in Macclesfield was established in 2012 and specialise in Group Personal Training weight loss programmes for those that don’t like the gym and find diets boring and restrictive!

Jon Hall
Jon Hall

When not helping people to transform their lives and bodies, Jon can usually be found either playing with his kids or taxi-ing them around. If you'd like to find out more about what we do at RISE then enter your details in the box to the right or bottom of this page or at - this is the same way every single one of the hundreds who've described this as "one of the best decisions I've ever made" took their first step.