Season 5 of Friends is left on a cliff-hanger when Ross and Rachel drunkenly get married in Las Vegas.
The first episode of Season 6 (“The One After Vegas”) deals with the aftermath.
Amongst other things, after losing his money and being thrown out of the Casino, Joey hears that breakfast is a buffet.
“Here’s where I win all my money back” he exclaims before going off to eat as much as possible.
An approach that I’m sure we’ve all taken at times.
It’s tempting when we’ve already paid for something to try and “get our money’s worth”.
I get that.
But, like many things that I get, it doesn’t mean it isn’t worth questioning at times.
I’ve genuinely had conversations nearly word for word like this one many times over the years;
“So, your weight is up a stone since last time”
“Yeah – I’ve been on holiday”
“I get that. But does that automatically mean we have to gain a stone?”
“It was all inclusive”
“Sure. But that doesn’t automatically mean we have to gain a stone, does it?”
“I was just getting my money’s worth”
“I get that too. But, if I offered you £200 to gain a stone in body fat, would you take it?”
“Well, no”
“But it’s a foregone conclusion that we’ll gain a stone in body fat, not to actually make any money, but to get marginally better value from some money that we’ve already spent?”
“When you put it like that…….”
“And how are you feeling now?”
“And how much less would you have enjoyed the holiday if you’d had, say, two thirds of the volume of food and alcohol?”
“Probably just as much”
I’m slightly paraphrasing here.
But you get it.
A massive change that many of our members make that leads them to their long-term success is when they go from holidays being an automatic 7 to 14lb weight gain………
Beating themselves up about it afterwards…….
Then take a month or more to “get back into it”……..
To more like gaining 2 or 3lbs on holiday then getting straight back into exercise and normal eating.
No biggie.
Just part of an average over weeks and months that takes them in the right direction.
Four steps forward and one step back repeated (check when you’re ready for that and the actual results it brings).
Rather than one step forward and two steps back.
Much love,
Jon ‘Hand double’ Hall
RISE in Macclesfield was established in 2012 and specialise in Group Personal Training weight loss programmes for those that don’t like the gym and find diets boring and restrictive!