When I was 16 and had just finished G.C.S.E.s I got myself a job picking strawberries on a near-by fruit farm.


I did the morning there, then jobs on my Dad’s farm in the afternoon.


This was back in the day when you only got strawberries in the summer.


It was nearly 20 years ago, scary as that sounds.


Lots of foods used to have seasons.


And we could, therefore, only have them at certain times of the year.


Which meant we would change / rotate the food we ate throughout the year.


But improved agricultural methods and increased importing over the last few decades has meant we can now get most foods all year round.


Which is cool in some ways.


Sounds like we have more choice.


But, from my experience, what generally happens is that most people end up picking their foods from a relatively limited number of choices all year round.


This means that the variety of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc that we consume has actually (on average) gone down over the years.


Many people suffer from problems with their stomachs due to their body reducing the variety of enzymes it could / would in the stomach.


Because less different enzyme are coming in in the food.


And most food nowadays is much lower in enzymes (and vitamins and minerals) then at any point in history unfortunately.


It doesn’t mean we can’t vary the foods we eat.


Just that we’re not ‘forced’ to by the seasons.


So – look at the different number of meats, vegetables, fruit, nuts, etc that you eat regularly.


And, if it could be more, then now is a great time to try some new things 🙂




Someone asked me the other day if we’d still be emailing you over Christmas week.


My answer was ‘of course’.


It’s times like that that people will benefit the most from our support and direction.


We won’t be spamming you like most gyms, PTs, etc will over the next few weeks.


The constant ‘Buy my stuff’ emails and facebook updates.


We’re already full for January.


But we’ll be in touch – we’re here to help 🙂



Much love


Jon ‘Quite enjoyed picking strawberries’ Hall and Matt ‘Hated picking stones – my worst job ever’ Nicholson


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Jon Hall
Jon Hall

When not helping people to transform their lives and bodies, Jon can usually be found either playing with his kids or taxi-ing them around. If you'd like to find out more about what we do at RISE then enter your details in the box to the right or bottom of this page or at myrise.co.uk - this is the same way every single one of the hundreds who've described this as "one of the best decisions I've ever made" took their first step.