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I got tagged in a post the other day by a couple of members, asking for my thoughts.
It was about the “Dad bod”.
So I thought I’d share them (my thoughts) in here.
Same applies for the “Mum bod” (if that’s an actual term) or any other kind of bod.
Ultimately, anyone can do whatever they like with their body.
It’s there’s and there’s alone.
Someone wants / is happy with any size and shape of body, then that’s awesome.
I wouldn’t dream of saying they should do otherwise.
I will help question some mindsets around it.
Because that’s what we’re here for.
That’s what we do.
That’s what people take us on for.
Help people ask better questions.
To, maybe, lead to the answers that serve them better.
If they ask the question and are happy with their original answers, that’s cool too.
Most of the comments that were “pro Dad bod” on the article made these basic points:
– Kids need dads who are present and active rather than spending “hours in the gym staring at themselves in the mirror, putting themselves first”
– People are too busy providing for their families to workout, etc
Which I get.
I would say………
That pretty much every single Dad (or Mum) I’ve ever worked with who’s dropped a significant amount of weight, improved energy levels, etc……..
Has reported that they felt they were a better Dad (or Mum) for it.
More energy, patience, enthusiasm and endurance during the time they had with their kids.
More focused and productive at work.
They realised the time (and money) spent on getting in better shape was an investment, not a cost.
Not a single one has ever regretted it.
And, a lot of the comments fed into this idea that getting in shape is a massive time consumer.
Sure, we can spend more time if we want to.
But it can be as simple as eating some different food and / or less of it.
Easier said than done, sure.
But not a big time commitment.
I’m fairly sure most people can fit in more exercise than they’re doing now and it not negatively affect their family.
Not “five hours more”.
Just “more”.
Looking at the profiles of some of the most vigorous defenders of the “Dad bod” suggested that they weren’t necessarily making the decisions that best served their kids.
An amount of time and money spent on eating and drinking that could be spent on those kids.
Little indication that they were putting themselves in a position where they’d have the energy levels, patience and endurance to support their children in the way I’m sure they would ideally like to.
As I said before, who would we be to tell someone what to do with their life and body?
They / you / we / anyone can do whatever they / you / we like.
Sometimes we tell ourselves things that, shall we say, aren’t the entirety of the situation.
Having a body we like the look and feel of and improving our energy levels and mood probably isn’t as hard and time consuming as we’re telling ourselves.
Much love,
Jon ‘Ken Dodd’ Hall