So, with it getting closer to our free January ’20lbs in 8 weeks weight loss challenge’ we’ve been getting inundated with questions.
Mainly about what we can offer over other options and why people should chose us.
Now, we’re not in to being salesy.
We think we’ve got an awesome set up here.
Last Friday we were at the National Fitness Awards ……
So were confident what we do is good and the results speak for themselves.
However we don’t want to pressure people into starting with us – just let them know why our programmes and challenges might or might not be a good fit for what they want.
And if they want something that’s not really inline with what we do, we’re happy to point them in another direction.
To our mind, there’s three main things that people may be looking for this affect their choice of where they go (other than location, we suppose):
Performance – if you want to improve your top level physical performance, progress on your Olympic lifts, compete in extreme fitness challenges and so on, then there’s better options out there than us (Crossfit and similar programmes). Sure our guys get considerably fitter as any product, but that’s not the programme’s main aim.
Aesthetics – if you want to lose body fat and tone and reshape your physique then we truly believe there’s no one better than us. Our results and recognition in this field speak for themselves.
Cost – if you want to go a bit cheaper and are happy to trade with results, there are plenty of gyms around that would be a great fit for this.
So, there you have it.
If you are looking for top end physical performance or a cheap option, we’re not really the best choice for you.
If you, or a friend, want to look and feel awesome, than you might want to check out the orientation meeting we’re doing on the 18th December – your chance to pop down for a free, no sales, no pressure chance to look round and find out about that free ’20lbs in 8 weeks challenge that starts in January.
You can find out more here –
If you’re already with us, you might like to send your friends there.
But be quick – we were hugely over applied for last January.
Much love,
Jon ‘Struggling to think of a funny name for this one’ Hall and Matt ‘Me too’ Nicholson