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If you’re a frustrated yo-yo dieter and gym disliker who would like to lose 20lbs in 8 weeks while developing lasting healthy habits without having to do boring exercise you hate and give up food you love, then email contact@myrise.co.uk with ‘RISE’ and we’ll send you the information for our online 20lbs weight loss challenges.


Back in the heady days of a year plus ago, I used to go out.

To see friends.

Go to their houses sometimes.


Those were the days!

When you do what we do and there’s food at a party, people invariably look at what you’re eating.

———- Same with checking your trolley when they bump into you in Tesco ————

And, often, ask what you normally eat.

And, a fair amount of the time, they’re disappointed.

I think people expect / hope for one of two things:

1. We’ll eat like monks, in a way they “couldn’t do”

2. We’ll eat all sorts of rubbish and be able to get away with it due to “having a good metabolism”

When the truth is somewhere in between, they’re disappointed.

Which we get.

It’s not the prevalent conversation about weight loss that we hear from others and the media (social or conventional).

Where losing weight is all about cutting things out completely.

“No carbs”.

“No snacking”

“Stopping drinking”

“No take out”

And so on.

Or about how “so and so has a better metabolism. They can eat whatever they want and not gain weight”.

Having a “balance” is a bit less ‘sexy’.

Having an amount of anything but not too much doesn’t sell magazines and get influencers paid.


From our experience…………….

It’s the best way.

Who wants to go without certain things forever?

Who could actually do that?

When we think that’s the only way, it all falls apart pretty quickly.

When we feel we’re a victim of our metabolism and genes, it’s easy to not do the things that will help us make forward progress.

Such things might affect “how much” of something we need to do.

The speed of progress, perhaps.

But they never make it impossible!

Much love,

Jon ‘Why isn’t ‘Appointed’ the opposite of Disappointed?’ Hall

Jon Hall
Jon Hall

When not helping people to transform their lives and bodies, Jon can usually be found either playing with his kids or taxi-ing them around. If you'd like to find out more about what we do at RISE then enter your details in the box to the right or bottom of this page or at myrise.co.uk - this is the same way every single one of the hundreds who've described this as "one of the best decisions I've ever made" took their first step.