Hope you had a lovely Christmas yesterday.
Today, of course, is Boxing Day.
So called originally as it’s the day that churches emptied and delivered the contents of the collection boxes for the sick and poor.
“Thinking outside the box” is a concept which (according to Google) “originated with the work of psychologist J. P. Guilford, who, in the early 1970s, was one of the first academic researchers to conduct a study of creativity.”
It refers to an approach of thinking about problems and situations “differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective”.
And I’m pretty confident that the vast majority of people reading this will have heard it to death at various work trainings, conferences, etc over the years.
Possibly “to death”.
It can be a great approach.
But, sometimes, thinking inside the box can be beneficial.
The endless search for new and novel ways to approach a problem isn’t always the answer.
Especially if it leads to methods that don’t work as well as established methods that do.
It’ll be easy this January to look for the latest diet or exercise methodology.
And I get that.
It’s tempting to think that our problem with previous methods was the method itself.
True change often comes ,though, when we look to change within ourselves.
When we accept that certain things have to happen for us to achieve the results we desire.
And challenge the thoughts and beliefs we have about those things and other things around that.
“Inside the box” thinking around our health and fitness is accepting that we need to hit those fundamental “musts” of;
– Being in calorie deficit / maintenance for weight loss / maintenance
– Generally aiming for more fresh, nutritious foods and less processed stuff but not losing site of the above and / or deciding to eat like a maniac when we can’t eat like an athlete
– Doing some sort of exercise as frequently as we can and not stopping completely because we can’t do what we’ve defined as an amount worth doing
– Having some sort of progression in the exercise we do in order to create improvements rather than maintenance
It doesn’t need to be much more complicated than that.
Much love,
Jon ‘Glove’ Hall
P.S. There are three spaces left on the January programme.
I’ll be speaking to people about them on Friday 30th but am making appointments for then now.
So don’t miss out by “leaving it to January” as we’ll have sold out before, like we have done for over a decade and you’ll be left with the other options who cram as many in as possible in Jan, knowing most won’t come much.
So, for life changing results, more easily than you thought possible, whilst having fun with like minded people in an intimidation free atmosphere and with a Money Back Guarantee………..
Then don’t sleep on this and miss the boat, pop to www.myrise.co.uk/apply to take the first step that hundreds have called “one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!
RISE in Macclesfield was established in 2012 and specialise in Group Personal Training weight loss programmes for those that don’t like the gym and find diets boring and restrictive!