Here is a list of what I think you have to do:
1. Pay your taxes
2. Die
That’s it.
They are the only two certainties in life.
The only two things we can’t avoid.
And even the tax thing you can do some dodgy stuff, if you’re that way inclined.
I mention this after a few conversations I had yesterday.
It was our monthly Coaching Day
Starting off the new programme with some specific coaching.
And assessments.
As always, some awesome success stories.
And, as we get every September, a number of people who’ve veered of course a little over the summer.
And are wanting to get back on track.
“Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it” is a phrase I’ve heard many times over the years.
But that isn’t the answer.
Firstly people know what to do.
They might not know all the advanced intricacies.
But, they know enough about how to eat better and exercise to be going in the right direction
It would be an insult to suggest otherwise.
No, it’s the “telling” that’s the issue.
Humans, as a species, don’t respond well to it.
All the research ever conducted into it bears this out.
Even in tests on young children, they are less likely to pick their favourite toy (a thing they usually really want)………
When “told” to by the experimenter.
It’s called “Autonomy”.
That element of free will.
Of having a choice.
That’s why you’ll never catch us ‘telling’ you what to do.
You can do whatever you like.
Tis your life.
Live it how you wish.
But, there’s no escaping the fact that there are certain things you do……..
That will take you away from your goal…….
Or towards it.
You want to be slimmer, healthier and fitter?
You want to feel better, sleep better, be more relaxed, etc, etc?
There are some things you can do that will help that.
And some things that can hinder it.
Entirely your choice which you do.
If you know what the choices are, this might be a little nudge to start making some of them.
If you’re not sure, ask us.
We won’t tell you what to do.
Maybe just point out a few things you may have missed.
And you can do with that what you wish.
## Such as pointing out that there’s a find-out-more meeting for what we do in a few weeks. I’d made a little error with the booking form. It’s working now though if you’ve tried to book in before. It’s here, if you want to check it out –> ##
Much love,
Jon ‘Autobiography’ Hall and Matt ‘Autotrader’ Nicholson
RISE Macclesfield –
Serious transformations. Fun times!
Enter your details at for more information about what we do.
Or check out our monthly find-out-more meeting if you want to learn more about our free ’20lbs weight loss in 8 weeks’ and ‘Beach Body’ challenges –>