I mentioned the their week about how you can sometimes come to a realisation so powerful, it stops you in your tracks.
That blog started with me realising why things are “always in the last place you look”.
It’s because you stop looking when you find them if you missed it.
Had another one the other day.
When taking to a member.
About food and stuff.
And she said “Why are unhealthy things so tasty?”.
And a lightning bolt hit me.
It’s because they’ve been designed that way.
Now I’d question anyone who says that all unhealthy things are tasty.
And that all healthy things aren’t.
But I know that there are certain things that people would love to be able to eat all the time.
But that wouldn’t be great for them if they did.
Now these foods are usually somewhat processed.
Cake, other desserts, biscuits, sweets, chocolate coated sugar bars, etc, etc.
And, when you are ‘making’ a food like that……….
You’re going to want to make it as tasty as possible.
Helps sell more of them.
You can add and combine your different ingredients in different ways to maximise that tastiness.
After all, if you’re processing something, why would you process it so make it LESS tasty?
It’s an advantage that real food doesn’t have.
Now, I appreciate this won’t automatically change what you eat.
Realising that the reason certain foods are so ‘tasty’ is because someone has specifically designed them that way in order to get as much of your money off you as possible……..
Makes them a little less appealing, no?
Much love,
Jon ‘Nom nom nom’ Hall and Matt ‘Yum yum yum’ Nicholson
RISE Macclesfield – myrise.co.uk
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